Join us on Shabbat for experimental, ecstatic and contemplative Jewish spiritual practices. Our services are filled with music, rich silence, prayer, Torah reading and Torah study. No Hebrew literacy is necessary.

Malkhut Shabbat at a glance:
Kabbalat Shabbat is on the 2nd Friday of the month in Long Island City, at Renew Queens. After the service, we hold a communal meal. ​​
We don't require advance registration, but RSVPs are helpful to plan for shabbat dinner.
Accessibility: The space is on the ground floor of a prewar building, and has a step to get to the entrance. The single-stall, gender neutral bathroom has a narrow door.​
Shabbat morning services are on the first and third Saturday of the month. On the first Shabbat of the month, we hold a community potluck lunch following morning services. We have a Torah service on the third Shabbat morning of the month (and no potluck)
We don't require advance registration.
Accessibility: Services are on down one flight of stairs. Rabbi Goldenberg uses an amplification system to project her voice in the space.
Read more about our COVID policies
Click here to see our calendar of upcoming services and events
Kabbalat Shabbat
At the end of a long and busy week, Shabbat evening prayer, singing and learning are a beautiful way to release and open the heart, mind and body, and to reconnect with community. Kabbalat Shabbat means “receiving the Sabbath.” The Jewish mystics, or Kabbalists, of the 16th century invented this ritual in which we let go of the week and intentionally create the conditions for extra joy, peace, and release on Friday night.
At Malkhut’s Kabbalat Shabbat gatherings, we spend the first hour or so weaving energetic musical prayer with lots of space for breath, silence, contemplation. We spend the second hour connecting with each other over a meal. Words of Torah may come in the form of a short drash (teaching from the weekly portion) during prayer or as an interactive discussion after dinner. Rabbi Goldenberg, Kris Wettstein, our music director, and our circle of volunteer singers and musicians create a sacred space for joyful, ecstatic and quiet, contemplative prayer. No Hebrew literacy is necessary. All Hebrew is transliterated, and many of our prayers are in English. All are welcome.
to see our upcoming events and RSVP for our next Kabbalat Shabbat.
Shabbat Morning
Shabbat morning services are on the first and third Saturday of every month.
We enjoy the spaciousness and peace of Shabbat together in community, with silence, singing, prayer and study. While the adults pray and study, children pray and learn separately in our Youth Institute for Spirituality and Action. All generations join together at the end of the morning for community blessings.
9:30 AM Mindfulness meditation through a Jewish lens led by Rabbi G. (Please arrive early to settle in.)
10:00 AM Shabbat morning prayer: with lots of chant and singing led by Rabbi G and sometimes joined by Music Director Kris Wettstein and Rabbinic Intern Emily Herzlin.
11:00 AM on the first shabbat of the month: Interactive Torah discussion led by Rabbi G. No Hebrew prior knowledge or experience studying Torah or Jewish texts is required.
11:00 AM on the third shabbat of the month: We hold a Torah service.
11:45 AM: adults and children meet outdoors in the courtyard to sing, bless the children and enjoy kiddush and motzi. On the first shabbat of the month we hold a potluck meal.