Malkhut believes that authentic spiritual practice involves the whole self: body, breath, voice, mind, and heart.
In particular, mindfulness is woven into the fabric of Malkhut in order to create a space where those who wish can stop and connect with something bigger than themselves. We integrate mindfulness practice into our Friday night services, and we set aside 30 minutes of silent meditation at the beginning of each Shabbat morning gathering, in addition to periodic half-day jewish mindfulness retreats and other opportunities for meditation practice throughout the year.
According to the Jewish mystical tradition, Malkhut is a name for the aspect of Divinity that is most accessible to humanity. It represents our experience of Being unfolding in every moment. Our intention is for Malkhut to engender the experience of loving awareness and present-moment unfolding.
Current offering: Tu B’Shvat, falling this year on Thursday January 25th, is the New Year of the trees, also the Birthday of the trees. Here are some rituals you can practice on your own to celebrate the trees!
Past offerings:

The Hebrew month of Elul is a time for spiritual preparation. During last Elul Rabbi G and Emily Herzlin are shared weekly teachings with links to guided meditation and chant, to support our journeys toward teshuvah. In their teachings, they will draw from this year’s High Holy Day theme, “Enough,” and will trace a path, inspired by the High Holy Day liturgy. You can read the weekly teachings below.
Week 1: Tekiyah - Waking Up to How I’ve Been (CLICK to read)
Week 2: Teshuvah - Coming Home to Who I Want to Be (CLICK to read)
Week 3: Tefilah - Meeting My Heart with Compassion (CLICK to read)
Week 4: Tzedakah - Healing Our Hearts, Healing Our World (CLICK to read)