Jewish ritual is available to us to ferry across important thresholds: of joy and of loss, of birth, marriage, death, and many other life transitions. Rabbi Rachel Goldenberg and Student Rabbi Emily Herzlin are available to discuss, co-design and facilitate these rituals for you and your family. Please contact Rabbi Goldenberg HERE to discuss.
Birth: “As we have brought this child into the Covenant, so may the parents lead this child to a life of Torah (learning), Ma’asim Tovim (good deeds) and to the Chuppah (a loving relationship worthy of God’s blessing)!” – Covenant Ceremony Liturgy
It is a joy to welcome new life into the world and to bring a child into the circle of the Jewish People. Our Malkhut rabbis work with families of all kinds—two-parent or single-parent, straight or LGBTQ, families with one or two Jewish parents—to arrange a meaningful ritual and celebration for you and your child. We are available to meet with you before or after your child is born to plan the celebration with you, to discuss any questions or concerns, and to help choose a Hebrew name for your child.
Please contact Rabbi Goldenberg to discuss.

Marriage: “O God, may there always be heard in the cities of Israel and in the streets of Jerusalem: the sounds of joy and happiness, the voices of the wedding couple, the shouts of celebration!” – Jewish Wedding Liturgy

Mazal tov on your engagement! A Jewish wedding is a public affirmation of love and commitment, and most of all, an expression of pure joy. Our rabbis are happy to work with you to create a Jewish ceremony that will honor both partners and their respective families. We perform weddings for straight and LGBTQ couples. We officiate at weddings where both members of the couple are Jewish, and at weddings where one member of the couple comes from another faith background. For all weddings, it is important that the rabbi and the couple find the right "fit" in an officiant. Please be in touch for a consultation with Rabbi Goldenberg to explore whether this is the right fit for you.
Other lifecycle events or counseling needs: Our rabbis are available to discuss other lifecycle and pastoral needs, whether related to illness, a death in the family or other personal and spiritual issues that arise. Please contact Rabbi Goldenberg to discuss.
Fee Schedule for lifecycle events (includes 10% administration fee):
Baby naming ritual $495 ($330 for Malkhut Partners)
Wedding $1980 ($1782 for Malkhut Partners)
Funeral $770 ($660 for Malkhut Partners)